How is group therapy different from individual therapy?

  • It’s more affordable.

  • Group therapy is advantageous in that the client gets more perspectives and feedback than from only the therapist. In a healthy group participants witness others working through issues and get the chance to contribute to healing by listening compassionately and learning the art of providing constructive feedback.

  • Group members learn from seeing others work.

  • More people = more transferences = emotionally rich environment = ability to work on, express and tolerate strong emotions in oneself and in others.

  • The therapist can see their patient in a social environment rather than relying on the patient’s self accounts.

Confidentaility: Most groups have a set of guidelines they ask each member to respect. Members do not share any personal or identifying information about other group members. They can share about their own experiences or about the leader,  but not about each other. We ask that if participants share anything with each other outside the group that they bring that back to the group to contain the emotional experience inside the group.

 What actually happens in a process group?

The therapist usually screens all members in individual sessions for appropriateness of fit and to prepare each member to use the group. Group members are instructed to check in with themselves moment by moment and take note of their feelings, thoughts, and associations in reaction to what is happening in group or toward other group members. There is usually a focus on the "here and now" as well as issues each group member is having in their lives. Leaders rarely introduce topics but help the group form trust and share openly. As group members gain trust and interact more freely with each other, they use and recreate the same relational patterns and styles that have hindered them in their lives. In a healthy group, members can receive feedback on how they come across and the impact they have on others, which gives them valuable information about how they relate and are perceived. Then group members can choose to work on their relational style in the group and practice to do it with other people in their lives.




A group of professional and semi-professional men who discuss and “ work on” issues of career, relationships, inner conflicts, etc. The atmosphere is first and foremost always supportive, with each member learning and applying the skills of active listening, empathy, positive regard, and constructive feedback. This group is a continuation of Armand DiMele’s group here at the Center, with most of the members are former members of Armand’s group. The group is currently led by the Center’s Director, Kevin O’Donoghue.

Contact Kevin at to set up an initial interview.

WOMEN’S GROUP: Claiming Fire: Anger, Boundaries, and Creativity


Through this series of group sessions, you will safely explore the emotion of anger and develop the ability to create healthy boundaries through claiming the element of fire. What you learn and share will support your unique creativity and beautiful soul in its honest expression. Follow the link here for more information and to learn more about Niseema.




DBT Skills Group


This is a skills group geared towards those who may not feel they need "therapy", but would like to be more effective in their careers, feel more fulfilled in their lives, or manage their own emotions in the context of a loved one who may be suffering from a mental illness.  The group will be structured like a class and participants will learn skills to help them become mindful, manage stress, regulate emotions and ultimately improve each area of their lives through a deeper self-understanding.  This group would also be suitable for mental health professionals interested in learning DBT skills in order to teach them to their clients.  





Participants will learn skills that enable them to reduce stress and anxiety, strengthen their ability to experience the present moment, make wise choices, take effective action, and feel more in sync with themselves and others.  The group will begin with yogic breathing followed by a ten-minute meditation. The next portion of the group will be for group members to process current struggles and provide feedback and support to one another. The final thirty minutes teaches yoga postures that will enable participants to feel more grounded, to become aware of stress-related tension, and learn how to consciously relax affected areas, and techniques to discover and trust in their body's wisdom.  




Coming soon

Exploring the 9 Enneagram Types through an engaging and fun process.  You will take the Hudson-Riso type indicator test and meet with Kevin individually before the start of the group. Meeting once a week for 8 weeks the group will explore the following themes fixations , fears, wounding, ruling passion, survival strategies, desires, wake-up call, affirmations and path to abundance.
Contact Kevin at to set up an initial
interview and intake. 



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